Standard classes

Here are the recommended CSS .class selectors that you should target when you want to use our Custom CSS feature to style your Hashnode blog.

  • blog-series-collapsible
  • blog-similar-article-cover
  • blog-more-articles-wrapper
  • blog-post-detail-card
  • blog-content-wrapper
  • blog-content-main
  • blog-subscription-article-wrapper
  • blog-content-sidebar
  • blog-more-articles
  • blog-more-articles-title
  • blog-more-articles-wrapper
  • blog-comments-section-wrapper
  • blog-series
  • blog-series-heading
  • blog-series-list
  • blog-author-card
  • blog-author-area-photo
  • blog-author-area-name
  • blog-follow-wrapper
  • blog-followers-count
  • blog-main-logo
  • blog-logo
  • blog-title
  • blog-search-button
  • blog-theme-switcher
  • blog-settings
  • blog-menu-container
  • blog-menu-profile
  • blog-menu
  • blog-menu-item
  • blog-more-icon
  • blog-sub-header
  • blog-sub-header-nav
  • blog-nav-active
  • blog-social-media-section
  • blog-post-card
  • blog-post-card-wrapper
  • blog-post-card-title
  • blog-post-card-meta
  • blog-post-card-author-pic
  • blog-post-card-author-name
  • blog-post-card-time
  • blog-post-card-brief
  • blog-post-card-cover
  • blog-posts-wrapper
  • blog-posts-end-card
  • blog-body
  • blog-author-area
  • blog-content-area
  • blog-subscription-form
  • blog-post-area
  • blog-page-area
  • blog-series-card
  • blog-series-label
  • blog-series-title
  • blog-series-desc
  • blog-series-cover-container
  • blog-series-cover
  • blog-header
  • blog-follow-button
  • blog-footer-area
  • blog-impressum
  • blog-footer-credits
  • blog-page-card
  • blog-page-content
  • blog-page-title
  • blog-series-item
  • blog-series-content
  • blog-series-number
  • blog-similar-article
  • blog-similar-article-wrapper
  • blog-similar-author-wrapper
  • blog-similar-author-photo
  • blog-similar-author-name
  • blog-post-details
  • blog-subscription-form-wrapper
  • blog-subscription-form-message
  • blog-subscription-form-input
  • blog-subscription-form-button
  • blog-subscription-form-check-icon
  • blog-subscription-form-subscribed-title
  • blog-subscription-form-subscribed-message
  • blog-page-title